Upcoming sacrilege in Atlanta and Communion in the hand. Musings.

LifeSite reports that some foolish group in Atlanta will hold a “black Mass” during which a sacred Host will be desecrated.

The Archbishop of Atlanta has called for acts of penance, adoration and reparation. “Some” Catholic churches will have Mass to counter the sacrilege.  Two were named, one of them Byzantine and, therefore, not of the Archdiocese of Atlanta.   I hope there are more than two.

The bulletin of the Epiphany of Our Lord Byzantine Catholic Church in Roswell says (emphasis added):

“Jesus Christ cannot be harmed by any action of theirs, but we are responsible for allowing the Eucharist to be stolen and desecrated”….

It might be that those perpetrators of an extremely imprudent act have a Host because someone broke into a church and stole one or more.  It might be that they have a priest on their rolls who supplies them.

It might be that one of their number causally walked out of church with one because of Communion in the hand.

Byzantines don’t have Communion in the hand.

Yes, we Latins are responsible.   Steps should be taken always to safeguard the Hosts in our tabernacles and in their distribution at Communion.

If something is deemed important enough, then at least adequate if not superlative care will be taken.

Moreover, if we have correctly read the notices about the recent survey concerning faith if the Eucharist, the respondents themselves pointed to Communion in the hand as having been a factor in the Eucharistic faith.  They recommend that, to help restore reverence and faith in the Eucharist that Communion in the hand – and extraordinary ministers of Communion – be phased out.

Is this hard?   Given the stakes?







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